I grew up as a Pastor’s kid in the Vineyard Church movement and naturally followed my DNA into vocational ministry in 2011 at the age of 20.

In 2015/16 I entered into a time of intense deconstruction in the midst of what would become a ‘false start’ church plant.

During this dark night of the soul I surrendered/pressed into re-evaluating everything (I thought) I knew about God. It was at this time that meditation entered my life and became a key spiritual anchor during this dark season.

In 2019, after grueling years of disorientation, failure, and frustration I found myself beautifully invited by the Spirit back into a form of ministry (service) work - but with a much different message than before: The realization and embodiment of Wholeness.

My lived experience has led me to the beautiful revelation that the purpose of our life is found in deconditioning from the narratives of our fragmentation (Ego / “flesh”) and consciously orient our life every day toward manifesting the presence of the God within us.

Non-Dual Union with God invites us to live beyond the foggy illusion of separation (“sin”) and enables us to live out our True Identity (Christ within) that empowers unique contribution to the ongoing healing of the world through our individual expressions of hope and wholeness.

Today, I lead Current Collective, and expression of my deep passion to help heal religious conditioning and fractured narratives by facilitating a space for Divine awakening, intimacy, and oneness through spiritual practices, teachings, and mentoring.

While I openly honor and glean from many wisdom traditions from (primarily) the East and West, my native tongue is Christ.

I believe that modern Christianity has sorely missed the point and purpose of Jesus’ life, teaching and prayer; That the meaning of life is to awaken, experience, and express Love and to realize oneness with the Father.

My mission is to continue in the same spirit of Yeshua by dismantling dogmatism about God and open us to direct union with God.

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Luke Bricker is an ordained minister, spiritual director, and certified meditation teacher.

Luke completed a seminary equivalent program at Vineyard Institute and received accredited mediation teacher & breath work instructor training from Loka Yoga School.

He also admits that he is writing this in third person and accredits his much of his training to the school of hard knocks and actual hands on experience with real people, in real places and years of devoted spiritual practice.

He wants you to know that you should never solely trust someone simply because they have a degree or license. Those do help, yes. But we live in the 21st century where you can learn more from real-life experience, online curiosity, and training with a mentor than you could ever learn from traditional education; At least in matters of Spirituality and self-development.

He lives in Carlsbad, California with his wife Lindsey and 2 children Sophia and Ezra.